Tuesday 8 March 2016

Meeting the PCC

The children of St Chad's Prayer Group met with members of our local Parish Council. We shared some of the work we have been doing to improve and deepen the prayer life in school. The members of the PCC were very impressed with what we have been up to - they even asked us to help them out by writing some prayers for a special church service on Sunday and also by becoming involved in the consultation around a new logo for the church. We are very excited to be widening our role in the parish and the community!

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Bread Breaking and Bread Making!

We enjoyed a brilliant prayer group this week, where we baked our own bread and used it when celebrating a bread breaking  ceremony. It was great fun (and the bread was delicious!). Next we hope to include the whole school in our celebrations so we are planning to lead an assembly in Lent, where all children can be involved in breaking and sharing the bread of life.

Saturday 9 January 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from St Chad's Prayer Group. This week we led the whole school in an assembly all about Epiphany. We researched the information ourselves, prepared the powerpoint and presented it to over 200 children. We did a fantastic job and received a huge round of applause at the end. 
What a great way to start 2016!

Saturday 21 November 2015

Post your prayers!

This week we have been busy making an interactive display for the school hall. We will be putting up envelopes where children (and adults!) can post notes with the people and things they would like to pray for. 

The prayers could be anything - saying 'sorry', 'thank you' or 'please help!' On a Thursday we will  be sharing these prayers with the whole school in assembly. 

Be sure to add yours to the envelopes! 

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Prayer Candles

In prayer group we have had a great idea! We thought about how we light candles in church when we wish to pray for another person and we decided we would like to do this in school.

We made some candles and laminated them. We then shared the candles with each class in the school. Every week we will write the names of some special people, or groups of people, we wish to keep in our prayers that week.

Tuesday 3 November 2015


Welcome to St Chad's Prayer Group!

We meet every week and share prayers together. We think of ways we can develop the prayer life in our school. We also share our work with the rest of the school in staff meetings and assemblies. On this page you can find out a bit about us all and the work we are doing.